Kui eile 6htupoolikul p2rast m6nusat k6hut2it Gerbeniga kodupoole jalutasime, sai meil sabast kinni Ryan, kes oma imearmsad kutsud just pissile lasi. Esmalt oli ta yllatunud, et me yldse jalutasime, sest ega siin keegi peale meie jala ei k2i ja s6idetakse v2hemalt bussiga. Siis aga kutsus ta meid hilis6htuks Mississippi j6e 22rde, et sealt m6ned kiftid pildid endaga kaasa v6tta. Niisiis olimegi pool 11 taas tema maja ees, s2ttisime rattad ja varustuse valmis ning kimasime j6e 22rde.
While walking back home after a long day and a good dinner, we were spotted by Ryan who just let his dogs out for a pee. First he was a bit surprised to see us walking, since it really seems like we are the only ones walking here. Most people would at least take the bus if they don't have a bike or a car. Since Ryan was planning to go to the bank of the Mississippi river to capture some pictures of the boats and the great sky, he invited us to go with him. So at 10.30 we were back at Ryan's, prepared the bikes and the equipment and got a first glimpse of the Mississippi at night.
'Tiigri staadium' on Louisiana State University ameerika jalgpalli staadium. See on yks suurimad ylikooli jalgpallis ja p2rast praegust juurdeehitus mahutab staadion umbes 100 000 inimest.
The Tiger Stadium is the football field of the Louisiana State University. It's one of the biggest college football stadiums in the US and after the reconstruction, it will fit around 100,000 people.
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