Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Missing the Netherlands

I've been back home now for more than three months and I cannot help but miss certain, simple things about the Netherlands. After all, it was my home for more than three years.
I'll start with food and stores and continue with other topics later on.

The farmer's market
Once every week I got most of my fruit and veggies from the market. It was cheaper and more fresh than the grocery stores and it was just a lovely thing to do every Thursday or Friday. Yes, we do have markets in Estonia too, but they are definitely not the same. Prices are often higher than in the stores and the choice.. well, you cannot really compare it with the country who produces most of Europe's fruit and vegetables. I think about half of the veggies here come from the Netherlands. And, the closest decent market is 20 minutes away by bus, so it's really not worth the trouble. We do have the amazing Christmas market in December though, which is something neither Vlissingen nor Middelburg has.

Small grocery stores that have everything
Maybe you've heard that Estonia has most shopping space per person in the world.. Honestly, it is ridiculous with all the malls and shopping centers and they are still building new ones. And still, many Estonian's prefer to buy their clothes during their trips abroad. Small grocery stores are also a rare thing here. Most of them are still at least as big as the Albert Heijn XL or double the size. And then there's another one just across the street or 500 meters away. So if you don't have a grocery store within a walking distance in Tallinn, it's almost abnormal.
Sometimes though, even in those large stores, I cannot find what I need. Small AH in Vlissingen always seemed to have all I needed. And a trip to Lidl was always fun to get everything cheaper for the week. Those kind of "cheaper and small but good quality grocery stores" don't really exist here.

First of all, Dutch cheese. Available here in specialty stores but too expensive to eat every day. Estonian cheese doesn't have much taste after you've eaten Dutch ones for a long time. So far I've found one local cheese that tastes something like young or young-matured Dutch cheese. But it's considered more of a gourmet cheese, sold in small pieces and of course more expensive. As a result, I don't really eat that kind of cheese often. Another cheese that is less on my plate is goat cheese. I could eat beets and goat cheese all the time, it's my number one choice of dish in a restaurant. But having to travel from far, it's definitely pricier than in the Netherlands. Sometimes it truly feels like groceries are more expensive here or same as over there. Which is a sad phenomena if you'd think about the salary differences.

Do you want the receipt? - No.
In my opinion, it's the little things every person can do to preserve the environment. For example, if I don't want the receipt which is mostly the case, then why print it after all? I know some little cafes over here do practice this, but the bigger issue is still the grocery stores. As far as I remember, most grocery stores in the Netherlands do have the possibility. They ask first and then act accordingly, instead of just throwing it in the trash like happens over here. I can only hope it will change soon in Estonia too.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bits & pieces from NYC

Kuus päeva New Yorgis jäi väheks. Nii palju jäi nägemata, nii palju jäi tegemata. Mis aga tehtud ja nähtud sai, oli uskumatu ja nii teistsugune kõigest, mida varem kogenud olen. Inimestel on alatihti kuhugi kiire.. mind pani imestama, kuidas kohalikel, kel tõesti vaja tähtsale kohtumisele jõuda või vaid korraks lõunale ruttavad, sellest hirmsast turistimassist kõriauguni pole. Samas usun, et nad on uhked oma linna üle ja võivad auga öelda, et nemad on teeninud ära ametikoha Manhattanil. Igaüks seda just väita saa. Teine äärmus vaatab vastu metroodes, mis tihti madalama klassi pärusmaa - ülikondades mehi ja kontsades naisi näeb harva. Meie igapäevased tunniajased reisid ei olnud aga kunagi igavad: mustanahaline neiu, kes mu nina ees oma paljast kõhtu pööritas, iga poole minuti tagant end akna peegelpildist uudistas ja pluusi ning juukseid kohendas, valjult kõrvaklappidest tulevale muusikale kaasa laulis ja samal ajal suure suuga matsutades nätsu näris; mees, kes ootamatult kahe vaguni vahel sõitu nautis, mis on rangelt keelatud, siis meie vagunisse astus ja pingi alt kellegi sodi üles korjas ning seejärel selle miljoniks tükiks põrandale katki rebis, hunnikule paar tilka limonaadi peale kallas ja järgmises peatuses välja astus; pereema, kes teatas üle kogu vaguni, et talle anti kiirtoidukohast vale tellimus ning tema laste iga liigutus oli ilmselgelt väga vale, sest ta karjus nende peale terve aja. 
Ma tegin teadlikult otsuse koguaeg mitte pildistada ja pigem enda ümber toimuvat nautida. Seega allpool ongi vaid väike valik kogetust. Tean aga kindlalt, et üks päev lähen tagasi, et jalutada Central Park-is, imetleda vaadet Manhattanile Empire State Buildingu tipust ja nautida Broadway muusikali.  

Six days in New York City was definitely not enough. There is so much I couldn't get to see or do, but what I did experience was unbelievable and so different from everything I've seen before. People are always in a hurry.. I was wondering how all the folks who actually work there have the patience to run through the enormous crowds of tourists. Then again, I'm sure they are proud of their city and who else than them can state that they have earned a position to work in Manhattan - a privilege not many have. Different kind of people welcome you in the metro: the girl who couldn't stop fixing her hair and blouse, almost rubbing her belly in my face while dancing and singing along to her music and chewing her gum so everybody would hear; the guy who stood between the wagons during a ride (very dangerous), then entered to our wagon, found a small bag full of trash under the seat, ripped it in small pieces, pored some soda over it and then left; or the woman who made it really clear that her children cannot behave at all and Popeyes gave her a wrong order of fried chicken. 
I made a decision not to shoot pictures all the time and simply enjoy everything going on around me. That's why the selection below doesn't cover all I saw. I know for sure that one they I will be back to walk through Central Park, admire the view from the Empire State Building and enjoy a Broadway musical!





Vabaduse ausammas on kusjuures palju väiksem kui sel ja paljudel teistel tuntud piltidel tundub.

Ausamba all jäi meil käimata, sest miks maksta kõrget hinda, kui tasuta praamireisil sai niigi hea vaate! 






Käisime äsjaavatud muuseumis ka, mis oli tõeliselt imetlusväärne ja mõtlemapanev. Õppisin palju ja soovitan kindlasti kõigil see plaani võtta, kel New Yorki minek!
The 9/11 memorial museum that opened its doors just a few months ago, is deeply impressive. Definitely a must when visiting New York!






Gerben on pildistamisega ja nende üles laadimisega usinam kui mina, tema kaadreid saate imetleda siit:
For more pictures, visit Gerben's photoblog !

Thursday, June 5, 2014

New Orleans

Kell on kaks hommikul ja istume Gerbeniga New Orleansi lennujaamas. Pole veel turvakontrollistki läbi käinud, sest jõudsime siia just nii palju enne kaheksat, et saime paaris poes nii lõbupärast ringi uudistada ja midagi juua haarata. Siis juba nägimegi, kuidas vaikselt kõik poed-kohvikud trellid alla lasid.. Selgus, et viimane lend läks kell üheksa õhtul ja no milleks ikka siis elektrid ja personali raisata meie peale. Turvakontroll on samamoodi kinni, nii et nüüd me istumegi siin turvakontrolli ees ja ootame, et kell saaks neli hommikul. Kell kuus juba loodetavasti lendame New Yorgi poole. Senikaua aga mõtlesin aega parajaks teha ja oma lugudega veidi rohkem järjele jõuda. New Orleansis tuuritasime tegelikult juba aprilli lõpus aga siiani leidsin igasugu põhjuseid, et sellest mitte kirjutada. Täna aga tulime koos Ryaniga taas siia ja uurisime orkaan Katriina rüüstatud naabruskondi. Pilte ma auto aknast ei teinud kahjus, aga ühe kifti vaate linna siluetile sain ikka. 

It is two o'clock in the morning and Gerben and I are stuck at the New Orleans airport. We couldn't even go through the security check yet although we've been here since 7.30 in the evening. We thought to have lots of time to kill and looked around in some cute shops and got something to drink. Right after sitting down, we saw all shops suddenly closing! At 8 in the evening! Turned out the last flight left around 9, so no reason to keep the businesses running. So we've had some chips and candies from the wending machine for dinner. Security also only opens at 4 in the morning, so here we are, waiting.. At 6 however we should be already flying towards New York City!!! Until then I decided to catch up with my blog posts and write about the last time we were in New Orleans. Before Ryan dropped us off at the airport, we also drove through some areas damaged by hurricane Katrina. Unfortunately I couldn't take pictures of the damaged and newly built houses, but did capture a beautiful skyline from the city. 

New Orleans on imeline ja väga omapärane linn. Esimesel korral käisime Prantsuse kvartalis, linna südames ja turvaliseimas rajoonis, aga täna nägin ka linna teisi huvitavaid külgi - Vietnami küla ja Lower 9th Wardi, kus Katriina kohutava töö tegi ja palju vaesust näeb. Samas, vaid paar kilomeetrit edasi leidsime uhiuue jõekaldapealse pargi, kust see super vaade sai krabatud. Kuigi väiksed, on sealsed majad kifti värvi ja majaesiste armsate terassidega. See meenutas mulle natuke meie Kalamaja, oma boheemlasliku elustiiliga - puumajad ja suurepärased armsad, imemaitsvate roogadega restoranid. Natuke eemalt leiab rikkama rajooni, mis samuti Katriinalt tugeva löögi sai, kuid tänu rikkamatele elanikele kiirelt uhkete majadega taas üles tõusis. 

New Orleans is an amazing and very unique city. Last time, we only visited the French Quarter, the downtown area. Today however I saw many other sides of the city - Vietnamese village and the Lower 9th Ward, where Katrina did some terrible damage and people live in poverty. However, just few kilometers further we found the beautiful, newly opened Crescent park, where I also captured the skyline. The surrounding streets were so lovely, with small wooden houses and delicious restaurants. Lakeview, a neighborhood a bit further away, is again a lot different. Once again the area flooded badly, but as the area is more appealing with richer families, they build up fast. Unfortunately we did see many empty plots, as people have made a wise decision not to move back. 

Prantsuse kvartal on aga hoopis teine tera. Raske on seda emotsiooni sõnadesse panna, ja lasen seega piltidel rohkem jutustada. Kuigi kirik, jättis see hoone mulle pigem muinasjutulise lossi mulje. Pargi esisel tänaval seisavad alati mitmed hobusekaarikud, mis sellele muljele ohtralt kaasa aitavad. 

The French Quarter is of course completely different than all the rest. It is difficult to the whole emotion in words, so I let my pictures do most of the talking. This church appeared to me rather as a small castle, and the horse carriages in the front just made it feel more like a fairy tale.

Bourboni tänav on selle kvartali üks põhitänavaid ja tõeline turistilõks täis erinevaid sulelisi ja karvalisi. Elavat muusikat võib kuulda igal kellaajal ohtratest baariders ja restoranidest, ja meelt lahutavad erineva tänavaartistid. Tundsin aga, et üksinda ma seal jalutada ei tahaks ja olin igati õnnelik, et Ryan meiega koos oli. 

Bourbon Street is one of the main streets in the area full of different bars and restaurant. It is not surprising to hear live music coming from them at any time of the day. The street is full of all kind of different people, including street artists of very weird kind. Although fascinating, I felt like I wouldn't want to walk there alone and was happy to have Ryan with us. 

Pilt sellel kurikuulsal tänaval oli muidugi kohustuslik. / 
Pictures on this famous street were of course a must!

Mulle endale meeldisid paar teist tänavat isegi rohkem, kuna need olid veidi rahulikumad.
I even liked some other streets better as they were more calm.

Tänavanimed on nii märgitud terve linnas. /
You can find street signs like this all over the city.

Muidugi ei saanud me linna kuulsamaist kohvikust niisama mööda jalutada ja haarasime endaga kaasa külma latte ja prantsuse sõõrikud. Eelroaks maiustasime mõne austriga. Muusikapoed on leiab siit pea igalt poolt ja igati lahe oli näha üle pikapika aja kassete poe riiulil!

We stopped by the most famous cafe in the city and crabbed some French donuts (beignets) and ice latte with us. Oysters as a starter was also not a bad idea.And as we checked out one of the many music stores in the area, I spotted this shelf with all kinds of old music tapes. Haven't seen these in stores for a long-long time.  

Natuke eemalt leidsime veel sellise armsa tänava erinevate butiikide ja restoranidega. Kokkuvõttes vist võingi öelda, et linn on super kift ja igati uudistamist väärt, kuid elamas ma ennast seal kindlasti ette ei kujuta.
Tundub, et turvakontroll avati nüüd ja saab lõpuks nö teisele poole minna ja ehk midagi normaalselt ka hamma alla! Varsti juba kirjutan New Yorgist!

Another street a bit further away with nice restaurants and some boutiques. All in all, it is a great city that is definitely worth a visit while staying in the US!
Looks like they just opened the security check, so I guess it's time to see the other side of the airport! Soon more to come from New York!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Florida part 2 - Pensacola Beach & Easter

Kevadvaheajaga samale nädalale sattusid juhuslikult Ryani õe Meghani sünnipäev ja lihavõttepühad. Tähistamata ei jäänud kumbki! Kõigepealt sõitsime tagasi Pensacolasse, et seal veidi ringi uudistada, Meghani ja Ryaniga päikese käes kokteile nautida, koos vanematega väljas õhtustada ning lõpetuseks veel üks priske šokolaadikoogi tükk süüa. 

Surprisingly, spring break fell on the same week with the birthday of Ryan's sister Meghan, and also Easter. That gave us a good reason to drive back to Pensacola to see the town, enjoy a cold cocktail with Ryan and Meghan, meet Ryan's parents for birthday dinner and wrap everything up with a piece of chocolate cake. 

Alustan kaardiga, mis eelmisele postitusele jäi lisamata. Vasakul meie teekond Baton Rouge-st Destinisse, paremal sõit Destinist Pensacola Beach-le, seal Gulf Breeze-i Ryani vanemate juurde ja õhtuks Pensacola vanalinna head-paremat maitsma.

Let's start with a map. On the left, our drive from Baton Rouge to Destin. On the right, from Destin to Pensacola Beach, Gulf Breeze and Pensacola. 

Muidugi ei saanud me kulla kutsusid koju jätta, eriti just sellepärast, et Ryani vanemate juures ootas neid suur sõber Jack.  /  Porkchop and Weego joined us too, especially because their big buddy Jack was waiting for them at Ryan's parents. 

Sellel täitsa rannaäärsel teel oli kift näha, et elanikud teavad, kuidas täpselt oma maja tuleb ehitada, kui tahad seal kitsal liiva ribal elada. Kõik kodud algasid teiselt korruselt, esimesel on tavaliselt garaaž või lihtsalt miski ajutine hoiupaik. Nii ei saa miski väärtuslik kahjustada, kui orkaan suure tuule ja üleujutuse toob. 

I loved to see all the houses that are well-adapted with the conditions for living on the beach. Building this way is simply the only way they can live there, if they want to survive all the hurricanes and floods. 

Pensacola Beach on veidi Destini sarnane kuurortlinn, suurte hotellide ja kasiinodega, ilusa ranna ja ohtrate restoranidega. Me piilusime sisse väikestesse butiikidesse ning jalutasime paljajalu liivas. Oleksime hea meelega ka kai peale läinud, kuid aega oli veidi vähe ja seega ei tahtnud me neile paari palutud dollarit anda. Tegelikult mängib see pikk saar nn barjääri rolli, et Pensacola ees suurem tuul ja vesi kinni püüda. 

Pensacola Beach is lovely small place for a bit of shopping in small boutiques, great restaurants and of course, the beach. Most of all, it acts as a barrier island for Pensacola itself.

Meghan viis meid sellesse eriti kifti restorani. Tõeliselt mõnus koht, kus mugavas toolis päikse all peesitada, vahel midagi hamba alla pista ja mõnusat külma kokteili nautida. Stiililt väga omapärane ka, kel huvi, otsi Googles "Red fish blue fish Pensacola".

Meghan took us to this super cool place to start up her birthday celebrations. I think I would go there a lot, if I'd actually live around there. It's just a perfect place to go with friends or family, lounge next to the sea and enjoy snacks and cold drinks. 

Õhtusöögiks suundusime edasi Pensacolasse, kus Meghan meile taas imehea koha oli leidnud. Väike restoran jahisadama kaldal. Seal saime kokku Ryani vanemate ja Ryani hea sõbra Aaroniga. 

We headed to Pensacola for dinner at another great restaurant. Ryan's mom took the time to shoot these sweet pictures of the 'kids'. 

Perekonna traditsioonidele kohaselt oli meid kodus ootamas sünnipäevakook. Nautisime ohtralt šokolaadi samaaegset kui Meghan oma kingipakid avas. 

As a tradition in Ryan's family, a birthday cake was waiting for us at home. 

Lõpetan oma väheste piltidega lihavõttepühadest. Laupäeval näitasin mina Ryanile ja Gerbenile, kuidas minu peres mune värvitakse - põhiliselt sibulakoortega. Neile oli see meetod täitsa uus. Lisaks katsetasime värvitablettidega ka. Pühapäeva hommikul hüppasime meie Gerbeniga jalgratastele, et saada osa päikesetõusu tseremooniast rannal. Lauldi laule ja pastor jutustas meile Jeesuse ülestõusust. 

I'll finish up with these few pictures from Easter. On Saturday, I showed how my family usually colors eggs - with onion skins. Early on Sunday morning, Gerben and I jumped on our bikes and went to see a sunrise ceremony on the beach. It was definitely a nice way to start our Easter morning. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spring break part 1 - Destin, Florida

Kui Ryan meid kevadvaheajaks Floridasse kutsus, särasin ma rõõmust mitu tundi. Varem ei osanud ma sellest unistadagi. Ryan aga on Floridast pärit ning tema vanematel on põhja-Floridas, kuurortlinnas Destin-is puhkemaja, mida nad kõrghooajal välja rendivad. Kevadel on aga rentijatel huvi väiksem ning seega saime me võimaluse kevadvaheaeg seal veeta.

Ryan really took me by surprise when he invited us to spend spring break in Florida with him and his family. I couldn't even dream about that earlier and I guess that's what made it so great in the first place. Ryan's roots are in Florida and his family happens to have a holiday rental in Destin, Northwest Florida. As the villa was not rented for spring break, we got the opportunity to spend our week over there. 

Neljatunnise reisi vältel Baton Rouge-st Destinisse ületasime tervelt kolme osariigi piiri - Mississippi, Alabama ja lõpuks Florida. Sõit aga polnud sugugi igav ja väsitav, sest kõik oli ju ääretult põnev. Meiega olid kaasas ka Ryani koerad Weego ja Porkchop. 

We crossed three state boarders on our way from Baton Rouge to Destin - Mississippi, Alabama and eventually Florida. I really didn't mind the four hour drive since everything was new and exciting. Weego and Porkchop - Ryan's two adorable dogs - also joined us for the trip.

Floridasse jõudes kohtusime esmalt Ryani imearmsa perega Pensacola-s. Pärast lõunasööki ja esmast tutvustustundi sõitsime üheskoos Destinisse. Ryani sünnilinna tulime mõned päevad hiljem tagasi, sellest juba pikemalt mu järgmises postituses. Vähem kui tunni pärast olimegi Destinis. Mäletan hästi, et jäin vaikseks ja ei suutnud oma silmi uskuda. Esimest korda elus olin jõudnud tõelisesse paradiisi - ei olnud ma ju kunagi varem palmide all ranna liival puhkust veetnud. Olin südamest õnnelik ja poleks muud osanud soovida, kui ainult et mu lähedased oleks seal minuga koos olnud. Samal õhtul nautisime Ryani perega värsket kala ja krevette ning jalutasime rannal valgel liival, vahel varbaid vette kastes.

Once in Florida, we met Ryan's lovely family in Pensacola. After lunch and first introduction, we headed all together towards Destin. I'll tell you a little more about Ryan's hometown in my next blog post! We arrived to Destin within an hour and I remember clearly how I couldn't believe my eyes. I had arrived to paradise - first time ever, I was about to spend my holiday on the beach surrounded by palm trees. I was sincerely happy and could have only wished my loved ones to be there with me. Later that evening we enjoyed fresh fish and shrimp with Ryan's parents and sister, and went for a midnight walk on the beach.

Ühel pool meri, teisel pool järv!
Sea in front of the house, and a lake behind.

Pühapäeva hommikul krabasime Gerbeniga rattad ja läksime oma ümbrust uudistama. Destin on üsna väike linn ja seega polnud mingi probleem vähemalt ranna ääresele ring peale teha. Õhtuks plaanisime pereringis sadamasse sõita, et sealset ilu imetleda, esimest korda elus austreid süüa ja mõnusalt aega veeta.

On Sunday, Gerben and I grabbed the bikes and wondered around in Destin. Later, we drove down to the harbor with our temporary family to enjoy the amazing atmosphere and some good food. I got to try oysters the very first time!

Olen nii tänulik Ryani vanematele, et nad andsid meile selle imelise võimaluse kevadvaheaeg nendega veeta. Hetkeks tundus, et oleme jõudnud koju, kus on turvaline ja suurepärane olla. See nädalane kogemus meenutas mulle paljustki neid, kes keskkooli ajal aastaks välismaale lähevad ja seal peres elavad. Tundsin, et võin nende imearmsat peret oma Ameerika pereks kutsuta.

I am so greatful for Ryan's parents for the opportunity to spend our spring break with them. Their warmth made me feel home, safe and taken care of. It reminded me some of my friends, who had gone abroad for a year during high school. They had lived in a family and since then call them their Australian or French family. I felt like I could say the same about the Kirby's - my American family. 

Ryan klõpsis selle kifti pildi, kui olin endale just uue kübara soetanud, mida juba päris mitu aastat otsinud olin. Ryani õde Meghan aitas mul selle välja valida ning tundub, et kübar meeldib ka teistele.

Ryan was able to catch this great moment right after I purchased my new hat. I had been looking for something like this already for few years. Ryan's sister helped me to pick the right one and everybody else seem to love it too!

Terve nädal möödus tõelises puhkuse meeleolus. Meil ei olnud kunagi kuskile kiiret ja päevaplaane tegime samuti vaid samal hommikul. Paaril korral põikasime hommikusöögiks kohalikesse kohvikutesse, vihmase ilmaga kolasime outlet poodides, kus hinnad tõesti suurepärased olid. Kahjuks ilm niisama rannas vedelemist ei lubanud, küll aga istusin mitmel korral rõdul, vaatega merele, ja lugesin raamatut või kirjutasin postkaarte, mis praeguseks juba teieni on jõudnud. Ryani sõidutas meid veidi ringi ka, uudistasime sellised kohti nagu Bay town ja Seaside. Viimases muide on filmitud Jim Carry kuulus film 'Trumanni show'. 

The whole week turned out to be very chilled. We were never in a rush and made our plans for the day in the mornings. We enjoyed breakfast in local cafes, spend some time in the outlet stores on a rainy day. The weather wasn't warm enough to lay on the beach, but I did take time to sit on the balcony, read a book or write my greetings to you. Few times we drove further away from Destin, to Bay Town and Seaside. If you happen to know 'The Trumann show'', then that's exactly where it was filmed. 

Bay Town

Restoranidel on Bay Town-is igati kiftid sildid. Üldse on see vist popp teema Ameerikas.
Loved all the cool signs at Bay Town.

Bay Town-s juhtusime New Orleansi restorani, kus nautisime ohtrates kogustes austreid.
Ja vasakul Ryan ja Porkchop.

While in BayTown, we enjoyed some great oysters in a New Orleans's restaurant.
On the left, Ryan and Porkchop.


Linnud, kes jooksid sama kiirelt kui rotid! Pühendusega mu väikevennale!

Lõpetuseks mõned vaated autoaknast Destinis ja Seaside-s.
And to finish up, here are some views from the car in Destin and Seaside.

xoxo, Õnne